Core Java



  • JDK 8.0
  • Eclipse



  • Why Java ?
  • Flavors of Java
  • Java Designing Goal
  • Role of Java Programmer in Industry
  • Features of Java Language
  • JVM –The heart of Java 
  • Java’s Magic Bytecode.

The Java Environment:

  • Installing Java
  • Java Program Development 
  • Java Source File Structure
  • Compilation, Executions.

Basic Language Elements:

  • Lexical Tokens
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals
  • Comments 
  • Primitive Datatypes
  • Operators Assignments

Object Oriented Programming

  • Class Fundamentals 
  • Object & Object reference 
  • Object Life time & Garbage Collection
  • Creating and Operating Objects 
  • Constructor & initialization code block
  • Access Control
  • Modifiers
  • methods Nested 
  • Inner Class &Anonymous Classes 
  • Abstract Class & Interfaces Defining Methods
  • Argument Passing Mechanism 
  • Method Overloading
  • Recursion
  • Dealing with Static Members
  • Finalize() Method
  • Native Method
  • this  reference
  • Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods
  • Design of Accessors and Mutator Methods Cloning Objects
  • shallow and deep cloning
  • Generic Class Types

Extending Classes and Inheritance

  • Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP
  • Types of Inheritance in Java
  • Inheriting Data members and Methods 
  • Role of Constructors in inheritance 
  • Overriding Super Class Methods 
  • Use of “super”
  • Polymorphism in inheritance 
  • Type Compatibility and Conversion Implementing interfaces


  • Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages 
  • Package as Access Protection 
  • Defining Package 
  • CLASSPATH Setting for Packages 
  • Making JAR Files for Library Packages
  • Import and Static Import Naming Convention 


Exception Handling:

  • The Idea behind Exception 
  • Exceptions & Errors 
  • Types of Exception
  • Control Flow In Exceptions
  • JVM reaction to Exceptions 
  • Use of try-catch
  • finally throw
  • throws in Exception Handling 
  • In-built and User Defined Exceptions
  • Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions


Array & String :

  • Defining an Array
  • Initializing & Accessing Array
  • Multi –Dimensional Array
  • Operation on String
  • Mutable & Immutable String
  • Using Collection Bases Loop for String
  • Tokenizing a String
  • Creating Strings using StringBuffer


Thread :

  • Understanding Threads 
  • Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming
  • Thread Life-Cycle
  • Thread Priorities 
  • Synchronizing Threads
  • Inter Communication of Threads 
  • Critical Factor in Thread –DeadLock,


A Collection of Useful Classes

  • Utility Methods for Arrays 
  • Observable and Observer Objects 
  • Date & Times 
  • Using Scanner Regular Expression
  • Input/Output Operation in Java( Package)
  • Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
  • Understanding Streams
  • The Classes for Input and Output
  • The Standard Streams
  • Working with File Object
  • File I/O Basics
  • Reading and Writing to Files
  • Buffer and Buffer Management
  • Read/Write Operations with File Channel
  • Serializing Objects

GUI Programming

  • Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
  • Components and Containers
  • Basics of Components
  • Using Containers
  • Layout Managers
  • AWT Components
  • Adding a Menu to Window
  • Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
  • Java Utilities (java.util Package) 
  • The Collection Framework 
  • Collections of Objects 
  • Collection Types
  • Sets 
  • Sequence
  • Map
  • Understanding Hashing
  • Use of ArrayList & Vector


Event Handling

  • Event-Driven Programming in Java
  • Event- Handling Process
  • Event- Handling Mechanism
  • The Delegation Model of Event Handling
  • Event Classes
  • Event Sources
  • Event Listeners
  • Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

Database Programming using JDBC

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
  • CURD operation Using JDBC
  • Connecting to non-conventional Databases