

  • Python 3.10.0
  • Visual studio 2021
  • My sql 8.0
  • Python Installation
  • Execution Types
  • What is an interpreter?
  • Interpreters vs Compilers
  • Using the Python Interpreter
  • Interactive Mode
  • Running python files
  • Working with Python shell
  • Integrated Development Environments (IDES)
  • Interactive Mode Programming
  • Script Mode Programming

Basic Operators in Python

  • Types of Operator
  • Python Arithmetic Operators
  • Python Comparison Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Python Bitwise Operators
  • Python Logical Operators
  • Python Membership Operators (in, not in)
  • Python Identity Operators (is, is not)
  • Python Operators Precedence

Data Types

  • Variables
  • Assigning Values to Variables
  • Multiple Assignment
  • Python Numbers
  • Python Strings
  • Accessing Values in Strings
  • String Special Operators
  • String Formatting Operator
  • Triple Quotes
  • Built-in String Operations

Python Lists

  • Accessing Values in Lists
  • Updating Lists
  • Delete List Elements
  • Basic List Operations
  • Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
  • Built-in List Functions & Methods

Python Tuples

  • Accessing Values in Tuples
  • Updating Tuples
  • Delete Tuple Elements
  • Basic Tuples Operations
  • Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
  • No Enclosing Delimiters
  • Built-in Tuple Functions

Python Dictionary

  • Accessing Values in Dictionary
  • Updating Dictionary
  • Delete Dictionary Elements
  • Properties of Dictionary Keys
  • Built-in Dictionary Functions & Methods

Loops and Decision Making

  • if statements
  • ..else statements
  • nested if statements
  • while loop
  • for loop
  • nested loops
  • Loop Control Statements
  • 1) break statement
  • 2) continue statement
  • 3) pass statement



  • Defining a Function
  • Syntax
  • Calling a Function
  • Pass by reference vs value
  • Function Arguments
  • Required arguments
  • Keyword arguments
  • Default arguments
  • Variable-length arguments
  • The return Statement
  • Scope of Variables
  • Global vs. Local variable
  • Built-in module and functions 
  • Random module 


Python Modules and Packages

  • Framework vs Packages
  • Folium Introduction
  • Why are modules used?
  • Creating modules
  • The import Statement
  • The from…import Statement
  • The from…import * Statement
  • Locating Modules
  • The PYTHONPATH Variable
  • Namespaces and Scoping
  • The dir( ) Function
  • The globals() and locals() Functions
  • The reload() Function
  • Packages in Python
  • Constructing user defined packages
  • Importing user defined packages


Basic OOPs Concept

  • Creating class in Python
  • Private Identifier
  • Constructor
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism


Decorator, Iterator and Generator Anonymous Function

  • Lambda
  • Map
  • Filter
  • Reduce

File Manipulation

  • Opening Text File
  • Working with a File on Python
  • The open function
  • File modes
  • The file object attributes
  • close() method
  • write() method
  • read() method
  • Files: Input
  • Files: Output
  • Reading files
  • Renaming & deleting files
  • Writing into a file
  • remove() method

Python GUI

  • Basic Operations using Tkinter
  • Buttons and Textbox
  • Menu Bar
  • Message Box and Radio Button
  • Checkbox and Event Creating
  • Creating Application in GUI


SQL and Python

  • Overview of SQLite
  • Integrating Python with SQLite