

  • Visual Studio 2021
  • C#
  • IIS server


Web Programming Introduction

  • Understanding role of Web Server and Web Browser.
  • Brief about HTTP Protocol.
  • HTTP Request structure.
  • Form Tag and comparison between Get and Post methods.
  • HTTP Response Structure


HTML and JavaScript

  • Understanding HTML Form Tag and elements within it.
  • Javascript using Sample Programs.

Traditional ASP Basics

  • Introduction to ASP.
  • How ASP Works.
  • ASP Objects.
  • Installing IIs on Windows 7 & Windows 8.
  • Sample Programs.
  • Importance’s of Form tag and how it works.

ASP.NET Introduction & Controls 

  • ASP.NET Introduction
  • First ASP.NET Application.
  • Auto Postback Property.
  • Event Handler Parameters.
  • Dynamically intializing Controls
  • IsPostBack property of Page class
  • ListControls
  • Comparison between HtmlControls and WebControls
  • Control Properties and Methods
  • FileUpload Control


ASP.NET Architecture

  • What is AppDomain?
  • Life Cycle of ASP.NET Page
  • How Control Manages its State
  • What is EnableViewState
  • How Control raises events
  • Event handling in Web Forms
  • Writing Custom Classes in WebApplication

CSS & Themes

  • Work with CSS
  • Use Themes to Customize a Site
  • Name Skins within a Theme
  • Do server-side Styles using Themes
  • Add contents of a Theme and Skin
  • Apply themes and Profiles .

Redirecting User to Another Page 

  • Redirecting Options
  • Response.Redirect
  • Server.Transfer
  • Cross Page Postback
  • Determine how the pages was invoked
  • Passing values between pages

Master Pages

  • Introduction to MasterPage
  • ContentPlaceHolder and Content tags
  • Accessing controls of MasterPage in ContentPage
  • URL’s in MasterPages
  • UniqueID and ClientID


Working with User Control

  • Overview of User Controls
  • Creating a User Control
  • Adding Properties to User Control
  • Adding Events to User Control
  • Using User Control in Web Form
  • Rendering Clients Scripts Using Page.ClientScript methods



Validation Controls

  • Base Validator
  • Required Field Validator
  • Compare Validator
  • Range Validator
  • Regular Expression Validator
  • Custom Validator
  • Causes Validation Property
  • Grouping – Validation Group Property
  • Page.Validators and Page.IsValid


ASP.NET State Management

  • Static Members
  • View State
  • Hidden Field in Form
  • Query String
  • HttpContext
  • Cookies-HttpCookie
  • Sessions-HttpSessionState
  • Application-HttpApplicationState
  • Summary of All Features


WebConfiguration File and Global.asax

  • Introduction to Configuration files
  • Page setting in web.config
  • Custom Errors
  • URL Re-Writing
  • Tracing
  • Using ConfigSource Attribute
  • Using Location Section
  • HttpApplication class-Global.asax

Authentication & Authorization

  • What is Authentication and Authorization
  • Types of Authentication
  • Forms Authentication
  • Role based Authentication
  • Windows and Basic Authentication
  • What is ASP.NET Impersonation
  • Using location section in web.config

Application Service Providers

  • ASP.NET Providers Introduction
  • Membership Providers
  • Role Providers
  • Writing Custom Providers
  • Profile Providers
  • Web Parts Personalization Providers

Data Bound Controls

  • Databinding traditional way
  • SqlDataSource
  • GridView
  • DetailsView
  • FormView
  • DataList
  • Repeater
  • ListView
  • DataPager

Web Caching

  • Why Caching
  • Types of Caching

Output Caching Fragment Caching Substitution Caching Data Caching

  • SQL Cache Invalidation

Globalization and Localization

  • Definitions
  • Creating Resource files for different cultures
  • Designing the WebForm & linking controls to keys in Resource files
  • Alternatives to intialize culture settings of the page.



  • What is AJAX
  • What is AJAX.NET
  • Script Manager
  • Update Panel
  • Update Progress
  • Timer
  • AJAX Control Toolkit