C & CPP Programming C Programming Syllabus Environment Turbo c Introduction to Programming Types of Programming Languages Introduction to C Language Introduction to IDE Language Elements Operators Control Statements – if and switch Looping Structures Characters Handling Arrays Multidimensional Arrays String Handling User-defined functions Storage classes Pointers Pointer notation vs. Array notation Structures Unions, Typedef and Enumeration Pre-processor commands File Handling Binary Files and Random Access Command Line Arguments Dynamic Memory Allocation Linked List CPP Programming Syllabus Environment Turbo c Visual studio 2021 Introduction and First Program First C++ Program Language Features How C++ differs from C Variables Declaration Function overloading Optional Parameters Reference Variables Operator overloading Basics of Console Input and Output Constant Pointers Dynamic Memory Allocation OOPs Concepts Overview of OOPs Principles Introduction to classes & objects Creation & destruction of objects Data Members Member Functions this Pointer Constructor &Destructor Static class member Friend class and functions Namespace Inheritance Introduction and benefits. Access Specifier. Base and Derived class Constructors Types of Inheritance. Down casting and up casting. Function overriding. Virtual functions. Destructor overriding. Polymorphism What is Polymorphism Pure virtual functions Virtual Base Class I/O Streams C++ Class Hierarchy File Stream Text File Handling Binary File Handling Error handling during file operations Overloading << and >> operators Exception Handling Introduction to Exception. Benefits of Exception handling. Try and catch block. Throw statement. Pre-defined exceptions in C++. Writing custom Exception class. Stack Unwinding. Templates Introduction Function Templates Class Templates Sunita Sharma Sr. Software Trainer and DeveloperIndustrial Experience – 9+ YrsFaculty For IT.