Tool -Visual Studio 2021
Language –C#
MS.NET Framework Introduction
- The .NET Framework – an Overview
- Framework Components
- Framework Versions
- Types of Applications which can be developed using MS.NET
- MS.NET Base Class Library
- MS.NET Namespaces
- MSIL / Metadata and PE files.
- The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Managed Code
- MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection
- Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Language Specification (CLS)
- Types of JIT Compilers
- Security Manager
VS.NET and Entry Point Method –Main
- Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio
- Entry point method – Main.
- Compiling and Building Projects
- Using Command Line Arguments
- Importance of Exit code of an application
- Different valid forms of Main
- Compiling a C# program using commandline utility CSC.EXE
C # Language Syntax
- Why Datatypes
- Global, Stack and Heap Memory
- Common Type System
- Reference Type and Value Type
- Datatypes & Variables Declaration
- Implicit and Explicit Casting
- Checked and Unchecked Blocks – Overflow Checks
- Casting between other datatypes
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Enum and Constant
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Working with Arrays
- Working with Methods
- Pass by value and by reference and out parameters
- Misc…
- Learning about Class, Object, Component, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism & Object Creation and Instantiation.
- Introduction to Inheritance
- Constructor & Inheritance
- Type Casting of Reference Types
- Static and Dynamic Binding
- Abstract Class
OOPs-Interface & Polymorphism
- What is Polymorphism
- Overview of Interface
- Interface with examples
- Types of Inheritance
Collections and Generics
- Introducing Collections .
- Benefits of Collection Classes .
- Understanding and using commonly used collections.
- Generics
- Advantages of Generics .
- How Generics Work at Runtime .
- Constraint on Type Parameters .
- Generic Methods
- Generic Collections
- Selecting a Collection Class
Assemblies and GAC
- What is a DLL and how is it different from EXE
- Types of DLL
- What is an Assembly Assemblies
- How to build a ClassLibrary?
- How to use a ClassLibrary in another Application?
- What is Namespace?
- Internal Access Specifier
- Types of Assemblies
- Global Assembly Cache
Exception Handling
- Introduction to Exception.
- Benefits of Exception handling.
- Try and catch block.
- Throw statement.
- Pre-defined exceptions in C++.
- Writing custom Exception class.
- Stack Unwinding.
IO Streams
- What is a streams?
- Types of Stream
- Standard I/O Streams − Console
- Handling text in files
- Dealing with Binary files
- Serialization / Deserialization
Unsafe Code
Reflection and Attributes
- What is Reflection?
- Using Reflection to read type information
- Attributes.
- Pre-defined Attributes
- Custom Attributes.
- Using Reflection to read custom attributes
More on Classes
- Operator Overloading
- Partial Classes and Methods
- Anonymous Types
- Extension Methods
- Tuples
- Caller Method Information
- Configuration File
Developing GUI Application Using WINFORMS
- Basic Controls
- Panel & Layouts
- Drawing and GDI Devices
- MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip and ContextMenuStrip
- Model and Modeless Dialog boxes
- Mutiple Document Interface( MDI)
- Form Inheritance
- Building Login Form
- Working with Resource Files and Setting
- Notify Icon Controls
- Using Components like Timer, FileSystemWatcher, Process, BackgroundWorker
- Drag and Drop
- Working with Advanced Controls like TreeView and ListView
Database Programming Using ADO.NET
- Prerequisite – Knowledge of SQL Queries
- Introduction and Evolution of ADO.NET
- Understanding the Role of Managed Provider and ADO.NET Objects
- installing Required Software – Sql Server and Management studio
- Connecting to Database and Connection Pooling
- Performing Insert, Update and Delete Operations
- Fetching Data from database – Executing Select Statements
- How to implement Login facility with database
- Use of Multiple Active Result Sets
- Parameterized Prepared Statements
- Inserting Image into Database table
- Executing Stored Procedure
- Using Transaction
- Asynchronous Execution of Queries
- Writing Provider Independent Code
- Writing Common Code for Execution of Stored Procedures
- Quick Overview of all ADO.NET objects
Managing Data using DataSet
- Introduction DataSet and its Object Model
- Filling DataSet using DataAdapter
- Binding DataSet to DataGridView
- Updating changes to database using DataAdapter
- Using SqlCommandBuilder
- Managing DataTable Programmatically
- DataAdapter events
- Handling concurrency issue
- Working with DataViews
- Constraints in DataTable
- Using DataRelations object
- Creating DataSet/DataTable dynamically
- Working with Typed DataSet
- Summary and Important Classes and their properties and methods
N-Tier Layered Architecture Application
- Understanding Tier and Layer
- Dividing Application into multiple layers
- Developing an application using Layered Architecture
- Creating Table and Stored Procedure
b.Creating Data Class c.Creating DAL Class d.Creating BO Class
e.Creating Form and handlingevents
f.Creating Dialog Box for Add and Edit OPerations.
- Introduction
- Well Formed and Valid XML Document
- Structure of XML Document
- XML DOM Parser
- XPath Specification
- XML and DataSet
- XMLDataDocument for reading from DataSet
- XMLTextWriter & XMLTextReader
- XPathDocument & XPathNavigator
Windows Services
- Introduction to Windows Service
- Windows Service Project Template
- Developing Windows Services
- Installing, Deploying and Launching Windows Service
- Developing a Service Controller Application
- Handling Custom Commands in Windows Services
Delegates & Events
- Introduction to Delegates
- Creating a Chat Application Using Delegates
- Events Declaration, Raising and Handling
- Anonymous Methods
User Control and Custom Control Multithreading
- Threading Overview
- Scheduling
- Thread States
- Programming Threads
- Methods of Thread Class
- Thread Pool
- Thread Synchronization
- Monitor
- Mutex
- Semaphore
- Events
- Parallel Programming using Task Parallel Library
- Asynchronous Programming using async and wait keywords
Packaging and Deployment
- File System Editor
- Registry Editor
- File Types Editor
- User Interface Editor
- Custom Actions
- Launch Condition Editor
- Creating Uninstall Shortcut
Debugging and Diagnostics
- What is Debugging?
- Build Configuration(Debug and Release)
- List of Debugging Windows
- Break Point Hit Count and Condition
- Debugging Exception
- What is Diagnostics?
- Debug and Trace Classes
- Types of Listeners
- Boolean and Trace Switch
ASP.NET Syllabus
Web Programming Inroduction
- Understanding role of Web Server and Web Browser.
- Brief about HTTP Protocol.
- HTTP Request structure.
- Form Tag and comparison between Get and Post methods.
- HTTP Response Structure.
HTML and JavaScript
- Understanding HTML Form Tag and elements within it.
- Javascript using Sample Programs.
Introduction to ASP
- Introduction to ASP.
- Types of Path.
- Examples using Response object of ASP.
- Working with FORM tag.
- Important Points about the FORM submission.
- Few more examples.
- Problem with ASP.
ASP.NET Introduction & Sample Programs
- How to create and run the first ASP.NET application.
- Understanding the code generated by VS.NET.
- Example Programs.
- Understanding AutoPostBack.
- Types of Server Controls
- HTML controls.
- Web Server Controls.
- Exploring Server Controls.
Validation Controls
- BaseValidator
- ValidationSummary
- RequiredFieldValidator
- CompareValidator
- RangeValidator
- RegularExpressionValidator
- CausesValidation Property of Button
Applying Themes and Styles to Controls
- Working with CSS
- Using Themes to Customize a Site
- Named Skins within a Theme
- Server-side Styles using Themes
- Contents of a Theme and Skin
- Themes and Profiles
ASP.NET Architecture
- What is AppDomain
- Life cycle of a WebForm when requested by a client.
- How does a control manages its state
- EnableViewState property
- Event Handling in WebForms
- Writing / Using Custom Classes in WebApplication
Page Navigation Options
- Response.Redirect
- Server.Transfer
- CrossPagePostBack property of Button
- Accessing controls of PreviousPage
- Accessing Properties of PreviousPage
- PreviousPageType page directive
Creating a Layout Using Master Pages
- Why Master Pages.
- Significance of ContentPlaceHolder Tag in MasterPage and Content Tag in WebForm.
- How a control of MasterPage can be accessed / programmed in WebForm.
- Master.FindControl
- Public property in MasterPage and <%@MasterType directive in WebForm.
- Load and LoadComplete events of the Page and MasterPage classes.
- Understanding ClientID and UniqueID properties.
User Control
- Creating a UserControl.
- Adding a Usercontrol to the WebForm.
- Register – Directive.
- Loading UserControl Dynamically.
- Usage of Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock Method
ASP.NET State Management
- Need for state management
- Static members in Webform
- Global Class in App_Code folder
- ViewState
- HiddenField
- QueryString
- HttpContext
- HttpCookie and Cookie Dictionary
- HttpSessionState
- HttpApplicationState
Databound Controls
- Rendering Table o/p using SqlDataAdapter and SqlCommandReader
- SqlDataSource
- GridView
- DetailsView
- FormsView
- DataList
- Repeater
- ListView